Course material will be updated here throughout the semester!

Rough Schedule

  1. Course introduction and parsimony 16.04
  2. Likelihood and substitution models 23.04
  3. Bayesian inference and MCMC I 30.04
  4. Bayesian inference and MCMC II 07.04
  5. Bayesian inference and MCMC III 14.05
  6. No class! (the Berg) 21.05
  7. Molecular dating 28.05
  8. Phylogenetic comparative methods 04.06
  9. Morphological models and model adequacy 11.06
  10. Diversification rates and intro to projects 18.06

Week 1 materials

schedule topics
Slides tree thinking, parsimony
Exercise 1 tree building using parsimony


Week 2 materials

schedule topics
Slides maximum likelihood, substitution models
Exercise 2 tree building using maximum likelihood


Week 3 materials

schedule topics
Slides Intro to Bayesian inference
Exercise 3 Intro to RevBayes and the Rev language
Exercise 4 Bayesian tree inference


Week 4-5 materials

schedule topics
Slides Bayesian inference II
Exercise 4 Bayesian tree inference


Week 6 - no class!

Week 7 materials

schedule topics
Slides Bayesian timetree inference
Exercise 5 Time tree inference in RevBayes


Week 8 materials

schedule topics
Slides Intro to PCMs
Exercise 6 PCMs using R

Week 9 materials

schedule topics
Slides Morphological models
Exercise 7a Model selection using RevBayes
Exercise 7b Model adequacy using RevBayes

Week 10 materials

schedule topics
Slides The fossilised birth-death process
Exercise Exploring the FBD model assumptions
Exercise Dating under the FBD model in RevBayes