- Written report
- 5 pages max, inc. references and figures
- Focus mainly on the methods and results
- Brief intro & discussion (paragraph each)
- Deadline for feedback tbd
- Final deadline tbd
- Don’t forget to provide access to the project code!
Some guiding questions for your report
- What is the main question / hypothesis that you aim to address in
your project?
- Describe the data, your model, and all your parameter choices
- Could someone else repeat your analysis based on the info you
- If applicable, how did you assess MCMC convergence?
- Did you encounter any issues?
- How do your results differ to previously published results?
Data sources
Some notes on nexus files
- Brackets
would mean a given taxon has been observed with
both states 0 and 1
would mean a given taxon has been observed with
state 0 or 1
- I think RevBayes will ignore any characters in
- For more information follow this