Project notes 2024

name project
Alissa Do fossil ages improve trees impacted by taphonomic biases?
Christian Constraining the evolution of photosynthetic pathways (CAM)
Jordan Assessing the impact of taxon sampling on PCMs
Katie Redating the origins of horseshoe crabs - implications for habitat transitions
Matias The impact of model choice on the phylogenetic history of sabre tooth tigers
Max The impact of model choice on the phylogenetic history of spinosaurs
Meghan A simulation pipeline for assessing the impact of clock model violation
Victoria Constraining the evolution of manatees

Status update





  • Horseshoe crabs

  • Aim: Rebuild the trees: what are the implications for habitat transitions

  • getting age data; later revisit how to incorporate long ranging taxa

  • Analysis running!

  • Status update: constant rate analysis looks good but skyline didn’t converge

  • Next: simplify the skyline set up - vary psi only, compare trees


  • Sabre tooth tigers

  • Do models change the previously inferred topology?

  • Matrix available here: (but only in the PDF)

  • Suggest checking papers that have cited this one, to see if anyone has used (or extended) the same matrix

  • Status update: going through the set, using Laura’s tutorial as a guide


  • Spinosaurs (or broader)

  • Do models change the previously inferred topology?

  • Run the analysis under different models - done!

  • Issue running model adequacy - resolved

  • Next steps: compare trees, use model adequacy to select the best model


  • Simulations to investigate the impact of clock model misspecification (partitions simulated under different rates)

  • Option: simulate morphological partitions under different rates

  • Check out papers by Simon Ho

  • Note: to simulated characters under a clock model you need to transform branches = time into branches = rate x time

  • Simclock:

  • Status update: workflow established

  • Next: inference using multiple replicates
